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Horelli, Laura
1976 Helsinki (Finland), lives in Berlin (Germany)

venue: Kubo Kursaal

Laura Horelli’s two-channel video explores Finland’s cruise ship industry by following a boat’s production from the warehouses of Helsinki to a port of call in San Juan. The structure of Horelli’s video develops according to the logic of the boat building process from the point of view of the workers who create the foundations to the managers who oversee the ship’s completion. The present day tourism industry has made the manufacture of ships exemplary of the more monumental practices of city building. Horelli emphasizes that the very strategies of this expanding global industry transform spaces of leisure and freedom into illusory realities that are highly centralized, organized, and programmed.


Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Städelschule, Klasse Bayrle, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany), 2002.

Department of Time and Space, Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, 2001.

Selected individual exhibitions
Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck (Austria), 2004.

Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlin, 2003.

Kluuvin Gallery, Helsinki, 2001.

Akiyoshidai International Art Village (AIAV), Yamaguchi (Japan), 2000.

Selected group exhibitions
Berlin North. Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, 2004.

Kunstbank, Berlin, 2004.

Schrumpfende Städte. Kunstwerke, Berlin, 2004.

In 2052 Malmö will no longer be Swedish. Rooseum, Malmö (Sweden), 2003-2004.

Ill Communication. Contemporary Arts, Dundee (USA), 2003.

GNS. Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2003.

PR02 [En Ruta]. M&M Proyectos, San Juan, Puerto Rico (USA), 2002.

Rent-a-Bench, Los Angeles (USA), 2002.

Germinations 13. Galeria Arsenal,
Bialystok (Poland), 2002.

Plateau of humankind. 49a Biennale di Venezia, Venice (Italy), 2001.

Ars012. KIASMA, Helsinki, 2001.

Neue Welt. Kunstverein, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany), 2001.

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