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Kessler, Leopold
1976 Munich (Germany), lives in Vienna (Austria).

venue: exteriors

Leopold Kessler works as a dissident engineer to uphold the cultural importance of public maintenance. His interventions are sought in the cracks of what is otherwise hyper-regulated public space. Trash cans are raised to become baskets for some new urban sport. Subway signs are repaired. Public lights get clandestinely connected to a remote control so that they can be switched on and off according to the artist's will.With these gestures and acts of exploitation, Kessler prepares the conditions for a discreet revolution against public authorities. In this way, he questions what he considers to be enforced limitations masquerading as protective measures for the citizenry.

Academy of Fine Arts, Munich (Germany), 1998.

Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna,
since 1998.

Selected individual exhibitions
Privatisiert. Galerie Corentin Hamel, Paris, 2003.

Selected group exhibitions
Klimatisch im Hoch. Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz (Austria), 2003.

VV2. Biennale di Venezia, Venice (Italy), 2003.

Galerie by Night. Studio Galerie, Budapest, 2003.

Critique is not Enough. Shedhalle, Zurich (Switzerland), 2003.

Haunted by Detail. Stichting de Appel, Amsterdam, 2002.

Facing 2. Städtische Galerie, Wels (Austria), 2002.

Parlez vous Français. Galerie Hohenlohe&Kalb, Vienna, 2002.

Interim Plattform. Galerie Kerstin Engholm, Vienna, 2002.

BIG Torino. Biennale of the Youth, Turin (Italy), 2002.

West&Werkstatt. Deichtorhallen, Hamburg (Germany), 2001.

Responsible Transformation. Cittadellarte, Biella (Italy), 2001.

Video etc... Passagengalerie, Vienna, 2001.

Academies of Europe. Castello di Rivoli, Rivoli (Italy), 2000.

Arte al Centro. Cittadellarte, Biella (Italy), 2000.

Nicht aus einer Position. Semperdepot, Vienna, 1999.

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