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Steyerl, Hito
1966 Munich, lives in Berlin (Germany).

venue: museo San Telmo

For the presentation of Manifesta 5, Hito Steyerl produced November, a short film loosely based on the life of Steyerl’s close friend, Andrea Wolf, who, prior to her assassination as a suspected Kurdish terrorist in 1998, was accused of being a member of the Red Army faction in Germany. Using Wolf’s biography as a structuring element, the film poignantly questions what we presently refer to as “terrorism” by imitating and subverting the gestures and postures generally attributed to the roles of perpetrator and victim. In this way, November is not a documentary about Andrea Wolf, nor is it about Kurdistan; it’s an elegy to a distant friend, an essay on the construction of mythic identities, and a commentary on the defunct ideologies of revolution.

PhD in philosophy.

Selected exhibitions
Berlin Biennial. Berlin, 2004.

Wiener Festwochen. Vienna, 2004.

City of Women. Ljubljana, 2003.

Plattform 1, Documenta 11. Berlin, 2001.

Heimat Kunst. Berlin, 2000.

Continental Shifts. Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen (Germany), 2000.

Duisburger Filmwoche. Duisburg (Germany), 2000.

Dokumentarfilmfestivals. Munich (Germany), 2001.

Diagonale. Graz (Austria), 2001.

Internationale Kurzfilmtage. Oberhausen (Germany), 2001.

Viennale 2000, Vienna, 2000.

Feminale. Köln (Germany), 2000;

Black International Film Festival 2000,
International Festivals, Pesara (Italy).

Translocation. Vienna, 1999.

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