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Vlahos, Vangelis
1971 Athens, lives in Athens (Greece).

venue: Kubo Kursaal

Vangelis Vlahos investigates the mechanisms constructing identity and political power as they are reflected in institutional buildings and symbolic sites. His sculptures, models and technical drawings reproduce and dissect embassies and bureaucratic offices, recreating architectural symbols according to indications found in the media. For Manifesta 5, Vlahos conducted research on the relationship between high rise buildings and politics. He constructs models inspired by different skyscrapers around the world, including the Atocha Tower in San Sebastian built during Franco’s regime. Vlahos’ sculptures act as totems around which national values revolve, but, as fragile paper constructions, they also question the endurance of ideals and grand statements.



MFA in the Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester (UK), 1997.

BFA in the School of Fine Arts, Athens 1995.

Selected individual exhibitions

Els Hanappe Underground,

with Alan Michael, Athens, 2002.

Els Hanappe Underground,

Athens, 2001.

Venetia Kapernekas Fine Arts, Inc., New York (USA), 1999.

Selected group exhibitions

3rd biennial for contemporary art,

Berlin, 2004.

Breakthrough! Greece 2004: Contemporary Perspectives in the Visual Arts. Alcala 31, Madrid, 2004.

Strange Messengers. The Breeder Projects, Athens, 2003.

Sandroni Rey Gallery, Los Angeles (USA), 2001.

Interplay. Museum of Contemporary Art, Tucson (USA), 1999-2000.

Immediate. Site Gallery, Sheffield (UK), 1999-2000.

Slipstream. Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow (Scotland, UK), 1998.

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